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Creative coaching folkestone - making creativity your reality!

£150.00 GBP

Face to face coaching in Folkestone.

Are you looking for help to re-ignite and energise your joy for creativity? To connect you back in to what you truly love and release your inner playful child? To inspire and encourage you on your creative journey?  

I can help you to step into more of who you truly are. Using the techniques from NLP neuro linguistic programming (I am trained as a master practitioner). I will ask you questions and support you to lead the life of your dreams. To reach through to the other side of any blocks that you believe have stopped you. To help create new neuro pathways in the brain, of new beliefs and gain the confidence to go for what you truly want in life.

All my life I have been creative but have stepped fully into creativity and art using the techniques of nlp. I can help you do the same.

What is NLP? How can it help me?

By learning the techniques and strategies involved with NLP, the degree of creative output that you have in your daily life will be greatly improved. Once new behavioural strategies are created, you will understand how NLP can be used as as a creative tool and applied to any scenario in which you deem suitable.

Lets start 

Creative coaching session

Creative coaching begins with a 2 hour vision session; subsequent sessions are 90 minutes in length. Coaching is a great way to begin our work together before moving on to hands-on painting sessions.

1.  'Create a compelling vision of the life that you would love'  - Initial session of 2 hours £150,  during this session you will be inspired to create a vision for your life, a compelling vision, one that will set your heart a glow and set you on a path to the joy of creative fulfilment!

2. 'Create the life that you love' - 90 minutes - 1 session  £150 - I will guide and support you to create the life that you love.

3. 'Create the life you love ' package - 90 minutes - 6 sessions £900 - To create growth and change it is best to book in for 6 sessions - so you really can get supported each step of the way to make your dream life a reality!

We will ignite your passion for the life that you love and over the following months and years I can support you at each stage to make the vision a life changing and transformational reality!

To create exponential change we need to invest the time for the coaching, to really step into the life you deserve as fully loving and living your life as a creative being! Its all here for you, lets take the journey together! A journey starts with a single step so take that step now by setting up the initial session with me. I am looking forward to helping and supporting  you on your creative journey.

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